
Are we falling blindly 
Do we need real love 
to make us see the light
Is the sun seemingly unfriendly 
Do we need someone 
to make us smile again
Spark again 
Are we impatient 
Is love feeling like a means to an end
And we cannot but find our better half 
Because our better self
is just not enough 
But really is enough ever enough 
Or are we just falling blindly
Thinking he would love us any more
If we were just about 
the right blonde or natural 
Venturous and free spirit 
As if enough is enough 
As if his love would never go away
If he was miles away 
And we are left with nothing
but the bits and broken pieces 
We failed to fix to be just enough
But failed 
Falling blindly 
Cause really enough is never enough
And does realizing the truth 
Make us restless enough to know
Enough is never enough 
To be complete?


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