Wake up

Wake up!
The world is at speed
Wake up
The world can be still
If only you’d see 
You ought to 

Wake up

And make yourself a dream
So you won’t be left behind the scene

Wake up
And admonish the times of your youth
The times mistakes are due

Wake up

Make yourself a routine
And let determination become
A restless devotion to achieve
A dream
However you may conceive

And marvel in the power
Of your imagination 
Free at your disposal
Why then be afraid
Of a free expense
Wake up

And make yourself a dream
Dream Child! Dream

Who am I without a dream? Who am I without ambition? Even God's son knew to use his hands while on earth how much more you whom much has been given?

Used words& terms
-‘due’: expected 
- ‘marvel’: awe


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