Ocean's blue

It’s exactly 6:34pm
Exactly the time the sun goes down
And the time for deep blue skies to color
It’s a familiar picture
An assuring blue
A romantic breeze conversant with my body
I can tell
A blessing to those who can't behold but see
And a curse to ones who behold but cannot see 

Search for me in castles
built up to the skies
But you won't find me
Search for me beneath city lights, 
Grand sights and distant heights
But you won't find me
In what's left of the open
There I'll lay my head to dream,
Of the sun

Its color left behind for me to shine
Making me dazzle
Like sun cream coco butter
In a universe of wild hearts and out casts
Misfits that can't fit into tiny stereo boxes
Our light, my light out grows 
The four corners of its paved walls
Yellow on the inside
And black on my outside
I'll color my way up
Color my way out
Till it’s late
So I could lay my head
And dream again
This time of the ocean
In hope my love would make it blue

I love the outside. The world and its advancements try to steal the pleasure of nature away from us sometimes and pollute the air. But once in a while is an opportunity to experience her beauty.

Used words& terms
-‘those who can't behold but see’: the blind who are able to feel and sense the beauty of nature
-‘ones who behold but cannot see’: the ones who have sight but can’t feel nor appreciate nature
- ‘Grand’: impressive in sight mostly worldly
- ‘dazzle’: shine bright
- ‘Yellow’: happy


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