Mirror mirror on the wall

She has a lip stick on
It would wear off in a minute
So she makes it even thicker
They don't make it easy these days
This beauty thing is a hustle
Bustle, better tighten this girdle
Before she reveals the chunk left after dinner
Someone might tell by the morning
Expression is lately a deserted friendship
She'll make her loose her glitter
Among her friends
So she lets them know she has no opinion
And mutter unclear words
In a background of loud chattering 
I wonder what it sounds like when you speak clearly Mary
Speak up
Record a few words or practice before this same 
Mirror you seem to picture your life
And have for yourself at least an imagination
Of how it is you might sound like in a loud space
Good gravy! I bet you don’t even know how you sound
In a quiet place 
Oh good wonder!
If all you gave a hoot was the way you feel
And not the reflection of this glass
Not this seemliness purpose you've disposed yourself
Would you Mary?
Be a little selfish like ever in your life
Dry your eyes
And quit starring at her
She is nothing but a reflection through a broken mirror
You decide what she would appear
You Mary are the girl before the mirror on the wall

This is for the girl who is yet to decide whom to pick among the multiple personalities she embodies. Mostly unconsciously cause she seems to find herself torn in bits, constantly a reflection of what she suppose is required of her by people and society, mostly overburdened, mostly ends up broken.   

Used words& terms
- ‘good gravy’: an expression of anger or surprise.
- ‘gave a hoot’: to give all care to something or someone.
- ‘seemliness’: considering for others.
- ‘deserted’: abandoned 


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