Beautiful boy

I had forgotten
Lady love didn’t tell me 
He was in love with me
I do not love myself
Nor see myself the way he sees me
I hope he wouldn’t hate me
When I tell him all I wanted
Was a boy who would smile at me
At a walkway and not come back for me 
For long conversation
Am sorry!
I do not know too well
To get to the end of a sentence
I swear am terrified of his presence
I just might pray the earth open
And swallow me from my feet
Up to my chin and fill

I am a poor petrified girl, running from falling
Beautiful boy
His mother raised him proudly
And so I stand
In a crowd of auctioning girls
At his beck and call
With dresses like dolls
Beautiful boy
Would you remember me?
Whilst you’re walking home from school
Or watching a fairy whisk to glory
Reading Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet
Would you remember me?
The girl behind your every shadow
Beautiful boy
I love you

This sets the tone of a beautifully gorgeous yet shy girl who would only come unless you call, whose words come in glitches, who would never learn to live magnificently until she runs out of her shell.

Used words& terms
-‘lady love’: imaginary fiction
- ‘petrified’: dazed/stunned
-‘magnificently’: impressively beautiful


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